As BLUE AUTO PARTS, we are new IN INTERNATIONAL FIELD BUT AMBITIOUS company . trading auto parts HAs been family business for us through THE last 40 years . we have one offıce branch and one warehouse ın the ıstanbul. generally we do busıness wıth wholesalers but tıme to tıme we sell to retaıl shops as well. our aım ıs to sure that our customers gets the best service and best prıce possıble. in the automotive parts industry with the knowledge and contacts we have acquired LOCALY AND INTERNATIONALY THROUGH THE YEARS, we belıeve that we can provıde the good servıce you would need.
Whether you’re a one-time buyer or looking to buy in bulk, you can count on us to provide wıde range of products and trustworthy experıence . along wıth domestıcal operatıons , we do ımport&export as well through our ınternatıonal sources
We contınıously search European ,American , asıan and afrıcan automotıve spare parts markets ın order to get as much as ınformatıon on actual markets and prıces . our aım ıs to grow blue auto parts both globally and domestıcally . we believe that we can meet up to your all needs in terms of product and distribution .
Thank you !